The value of meeting a client before there image session is immense. When you schedule your session I always tell my clients that we need to meet face to face to get an idea of what they are thinking of for images and to get an idea of what style of images they are looking for. This not gives us a chance to meet and let the customer deciede if we are a good fit and gives me some locatin ideas and help you on chloting for there session.
In this session the client had a good idea of what type of image they wanted and wanted it to compliment the new design of there home. This also took some time to find just the right location which to give the client what they had imagined. When we were done with the original images I finished up the images in post processing to give the feel and the style they were looking for.
The client put there favorite image on a canvas which matched the style I think perfectly. It was amazing.
In these days of Craig s list and other online discount offers make sure before you commit to any photographer first see if they volunteer to meet with you first if not let that be a warning signal. Most reputable individuals will offer or insist on a meeting before agreeing to do the session. Almost all of the time this initial consultation is free and is really in your best interest. This allows you to first meet in person who you are wanting to hire to see if this is someone you can get along with, get an idea of what type of things you may want to do in your session, get an idea of what products are available and what you may be interested in and you can visit with the photographer to get an idea of what the final expenses will be so there are no surprises when you order your images.
I meet with so many people that at first say they do not have an idea of what they want to do during there session but I have found that after visiting with them for a while I can get an idea of what they like or dislike and it really helps to prepare for there session so they get the style they want.
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