I had a great time and privilege photographing a super family. I like to do outdoor photo sessions especially when we are at a place that means something to the family I am working with. On location can give you some problems with lighting and areas to pose the family. I think we made some great images, I especially like the images on the porch . I used two speed lights in a small soft box for most of the lighting that evening. When possible keep the sun to there backs to give some back light which separates them from the background. I also ued a large apature to help blur out the background.
Using the front porch was a great place to take a couple of photos. This not only is a image of the family but also of the place they have lived for a number of years. Including the pets is also a great way to personalize you images.
It was a beauty full evening for just relaxing of the porch
You cannot forget to have a little fun while your creating images often time these will be your favorite images.
